JULY 2 – AUGUST 7, 2021
2014 Candela Collection Acquisition: Athena Petra Tasiopoulos, Wrap, 2014
2020 Candela Collection Acquisition: Evelyn Pustka, Untitled (Eyes), 2020
Candela Gallery is excited to announce the open call for our tenth annual UnBound! Exhibition! UnBound10! will be on display in person and online at Candela Gallery, from July 2 - August 7, 2021. Featured works will also be included in a printed catalog published by Candela Books.
2020 Candela Collection Acquisition: Ohemaa Dixon, 1 from 3436
This summer group exhibition is our annual open call and is dedicated to featuring a wide range of photographic artworks, fine art photography and artist books from 40-50 fine art photographers. We are proud of UnBound's mission to generate opportunities and exposure beyond the traditional group or juried show by providing a collection opportunity for artists.
In a normal non-covid moment, we host an annual gala event. During the exhibition, all funds raised through ticket sales and raffle items, allow Candela to purchase select works from the exhibition. Works acquired by the event proceeds are then added to the gallery's Candela Collection. The mission of the Candela Collection is to support UnBound! artists through the purchase of works from the exhibition and to actively pursue opportunities to donate said works to notable permanent collections. The Candela Collection currently includes 90 photographic artworks and artist books.
This year will be our 10th UnBound! exhibition and although we won’t all be able to gather in-person to celebrate this accomplishment, we’ll be working hard to roll out programming that feels safe and allows our community to engage with the show and our fundraising efforts. Our hope is that we can honor UnBound’s 10th year by drumming up as much support as we possibly can, which is why we’ve kicked off our fundraising efforts today in advance of the show.
We work hard to keep fees off of the submission process. Our hope is that photographers will support our UnBound! exhibition with a contribution in lieu of a submission fee and their active participation just as we hope to support their work and careers in return. All accepted artists will have their finished artworks featured at Candela Gallery, a gallery space in the downtown arts district of Richmond, Virginia.
All work for the exhibition will be selected by
Candela Founder & Senior Director, Gordon Stettinius
Gallery Director, Ashby Nickerson
& Gallery Coordinator, Whitney Cole
2020 Candela Collection Acquisition: Abbey Hepner, Waste Isolation Pilot Plant 1, Carlsbad, New Mexico, Amount of waste emplaced to date: 25,857,295 Gallons, 2014
MONDAY, APRIL 12TH, 2021: UnBound10! Submissions Deadline
TUESDAY, APRIL 27TH, 2021: Accepted Applicants Notified
TUESDAY, JUNE 15TH, 2021: Participating Artist Delivery Deadline
FRIDAY, JULY 2ND, 2021: UnBound10! Show Opening Reception
SATURDAY, AUGUST 7TH, 2021: UnBound10! Show Closing
2016 Candela Collection Acquisition: Marcus DeSieno, A Photograph of the Planet Saturn Eaten by Bacteria Found on Adulterer’s Engagement Ring, 2015
2012 Candela Collection Acquisition: Daniel Kariko, Front Porch, Doormat, August 14th, 2012
Visitors and artists mingle among festivities and work at the UnBound8! fundraising gala, 2019.
Stay tuned for more UnBound10! programming announcements as we reshape our beloved gala to best keep our community safe while engaging with the work and one another.