May 5 - June 8, 2020
To support our artists, photo friends, and community, near and far, Candela has put together a series of weekly virtual exhibitions called HOMEBOUND. Over five weeks through the month of May, we have featured a small selection of work from five different photographers. These works include framed ready-to-go pieces, prints from the gallery flat files, and new works from the artist's studio. Our HOMEBOUND initiative is first and foremost a way to support photographers through sales as well as connect you to an archive of exceptional works by our extended family of photographic artists.
50% of sales for HOMEBOUND work go to the artist
25% goes to a non-profit cause of the week
25% goes to supporting the gallery
June 26 – July 2
25% of sales from HOMEBOUND: WEEK FIVE will go towards supporting the River City Medic Collective, a group of street medics, EMTs, paramedics, wilderness first responders, herbalists, and other health care providers, based here in Richmond. This group has been providing medical support to protesters and helping with medical bill costs for those who need it.

May 25 – June 1
25% of sales from HOMEBOUND: WEEK FOUR will go towards supporting Mutual Aid Disaster Relief Richmond. MAD RVA aims to create a support system in response to COVID-19 and the effects it has had on Richmonders, including supply shortage, job losses and quarantine. We operate collectively and are primarily functioning as a supply delivery for folks who cannot access medicine, food and other vital goods. We have also just launched a mini-grants program and are developing other supports, forming partnerships across communities and demanding policy shifts in navigating the undetermined timeline of effects on our community. Use this site to request supplies and financial support or to offer your services, donate needed items and dedicate time to community mutual aid.

May 19 – May 24
25% of sales from HOMEBOUND: WEEK THREE will go towards supporting Oakwood Arts. Oakwood Arts make art and careers in creative industries accessible to all through community engagement, inspiring programming, and experiential education. Their programs include classes and workshops that focus on the digital and technical skills students need to succeed in the creative workforce.

May 12 – May 18
25% of sales from HOMEBOUND: WEEK TWO will go towards supporting Feed More. Feed More’s programs are dedicated to providing healthy meals and hope for a better tomorrow to Central Virginians who face hunger.

May 5 – May 11
25% of sales from HOMEBOUND: WEEK ONE will go towards supporting the COVID-19 Arts and Culture Relief Fund, an initiative created by CultureWorks and a coalition of Richmond based arts and culture partners.