UnBound9! Collection Acquisitions
Announcing the brand new additions to the Candela Collection
THANK YOU to this year's UnBound9! participating artists and to those of you who supported our online fundraising efforts. The gallery was able to acquire 8 photographic artworks and 2 artist books from this year's virtual UnBound9! exhibition. 100% of the money raised goes directly into the hands of the artists below. We're humbled that during these difficult times we were still able to raise some funds and support artists through the mission of UnBound!
Julie Wolfe
Abbey Hepner
Ohemaa Dixon
Ohemaa Dixon
Ohemaa Dixon
Michael Valiquette
Shinya Masuda
Evelyn Pustka
Dom Khun
Julie Wolfe
UnBound! doesn't stop existing once we send our thanks out into the world today. Candela continues to maintain and nurture this collection all year long. This year especially, so much of the UnBound! mission has come into question in the best way. The pandemic brought the show, the collection, and its funding to an online space in a capacity we'd never considered. This has opened up so many new possibilities for exposure and funding that are normally exclusive to the summer show. This year has also challenged us to look inward and ask about the intention and influence of this body of work. 2020 has been a rewarding uphill battle, just as we approach our tenth year of existence as a gallery. We look forward to using these lessons to make some new things happen for this mission in 2021. Thanks for being part of our journey, and stay tuned for the next chapter.